Guest lecture by Prof. Tommy Wiedmann, UNSW

Yesterday, Tommy (Thomas) Wiedmann, associate professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, visited IEF and gave a seminar talk.

Tommy’s main research question is how to achieve human wellbeing without increasing environmental impacts. His expertise is in integrated sustainability assessment and environmental footprint analysis. He develops and applies environmental input-output analysis as part of a holistic concept to life cycle assessment, industrial ecology and sustainable consumption and production research.

In his talk “Sustainability of International Production and Consumption” he gave a quick introduction into consumption-based accounting, which is the estimation of greenhouse gas and other emissions embodied in the supply chains of the products and services consumed by the population of a certain area. He also gave us an update on his own reasearch on intercity carbon networks, which are networks of virtual flows of greenhouse gases embodied in the products that are traded between cities.

After the talk, there was a lively discussion with the audience (about 15).

Thanks for being with us Tommy!

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